Total Medals Earned: 1,702 (From 287 different games.) Total Medal Score: 30,550 Points
Medals Earned: 1/2 (5/10 points)
You have the power!
You've found Don Ramon!
Medals Earned: 10/15 (115/490 points)
Take death 5 times
Make 5 teleportations
Complete 5 levels
Take death 10 times
Complete 15 levels
Complete 5 levels with all stars
Make 100 teleportations
Make 30 teleportations
Take death 30 times
Complete 15 levels with all stars
Complete 30 levels
Complete 30 levels with all stars
Don't touch third star on level 28
Pass level 29 without activating trigger button
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 6/9 (105/355 points)
Terrible Game
Bad Game
Good Game
Nice Game
Great Game
Perfect Game
Medals Earned: 4/5 (30/80 points)
Complete level 1
Complete level 4
Complete level 10
Complete level 7
Medals Earned: 3/3 (15/15 points)
Start playing.
Find the hidden Golden Astronaut token.
Finish the game.
Medals Earned: 5/8 (25/45 points)
Finished your first drawing.
Notified someone after taking your turn.
Started a game with a random user.
Found the hidden troll face.
Reach a score of at least 10.
Medals Earned: 2/3 (30/130 points)
Take a risk and start a new game!
You are ABOVE AVERAGE at this game!
It's tough as HELL to score above 500!
Medals Earned: 3/9 (25/240 points)
Try again! Next time you'll do better!
You got 10 or more right! Good job!
You gotta do better than that!
You got at least half right! You sure know something.
You got 20 or more right! You must be a fan!
You got 25 or more right! You're a Pokémon Expert!
No questions were answered wrong. You're a Pokémon Master!
Medals Earned: 4/4 (65/65 points)
A deathly forewarning
Premonition of imminent misfortune
A slave for all eternity
An evil encounter
Medals Earned: 2/25 (15/140 points)
Visit the codex for the first time.
there all dead
Can't touch this.
but he doesn't fall down
who you call'n chicken?
Visit the codex 10 times.
Visit the codex 50 times.
¿Dónde está mi cerveza
there you go... good bye!
Who will interview the interviewmen?
The shade man has locked me in his basment, i am a 16 year old girl. The shade man wips me all day, send help, call the cops... I can get free. My balls are really sore. He is sick. I don't know how much longer I can go on.
Cake and apple pie.
Why wount me baby drink his milk Justin?
Yes it is.
that is the ummmm somthing...
I'm almost done.
Visit the codex 100 times.
He will always be to me...